Saturday, October 08, 2011

CSPS Storytelling Workshop 4. Personal Witnessing – The Power of you story

Story: Interview in Mildura

Teaching: Be yourself – authentic, honest, open. Turn experiences into testimonies.
Focus: ST – Style of Telling. Tell stories your way. Your Style of Telling is authentically you and rings true to the listener. Be yourself.
Teach positive attributes: hope, love, generosity, compassion.
Story: People of the Map. Be bold sharing what you have. Share yourself and your faith authentically, honestly and openly – your way!
6 Stories of influence

1 comment:

  1. The six types of stories are:

    1. Who I am
    2. Why I am here
    3. Teaching
    4. Vision
    5. Value in Action
    6. I know what you are thinking


Dave Edgren ~ Story: Teller, Author, Trainer ~

BOOK DAVE NOW! Dave Edgren is passionate about creating a values-based storytelling culture. In his engaging and often hilarious way,...