A Sabbath School resource from the Victorian Conference of the Adventist Church in Australia
Last week, while visiting at MASDAC Church in Melbourne, the Sabbath School Super mentioned that she missed my “Head, Heart, Hands, Horizon” lesson approach from 2012. After coming back to work after 6 months on sick leave and in my creative approach to life, ministry and all things, I forgot the old ways and started doing the discussion guides with less structure. So, what I will do is put some symbols next to certain questions that are intentionally directed at the Head, Heart, Hands and Horizon.
Which comes first, sin or selfishness?
Would sin exist if our first parents had not desired selfishly?
Would we ever sin if we did not put our desire for our own pleasure before our desire for God’s pleasure?
When we focus on sin - and the avoidance of sin - as our main aim in holiness, we leave doors wide open for selfishness to run rampant. “Look how great I am! I haven’t sinned for weeks!” Focusing on eradicating sin in our lives is like swatting flames with a flyswatter to put out a bush fire. It may make us feel like we are working very hard to solve the problem, but we are only tiring ourselves out. And we can feel very proud of ourselves for working so hard!
Where should our focus be?
How do we succeed in living Godly lives?
How do we maintain a balance between humble obedience and selfish sin-swatting?
Wages VS Gifts

Read Romans 6:15 - 7:6
What view does this paint of wages vs gifts?
What is the difference between Mercy and Justice?
Is “forgiveness of sin” Mercy and Justice or both? Explain.
God’s gift of Jesus, His son, on the cross makes “all things right.” Discuss.
How? Why? When? Where? Between whom? What things?
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