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From the Sabbath School section |
Memory Text:
Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?(Proverbs 20:6).
Some of us have known a person willing to stand against the
prevailing evil of their day. Does anyone come to mind? Who, in your lifetime
and experience does this text bring to mind?
Have you ever learned something from someone’s actions that
you couldn’t learn from their words? What was it? How did their actions make
the ‘learning difference’?
The death of a little monk named Telemachus during Rome’s
gladiator games in 404 AD was one of the stones to cause ripples that became
waves which washed Roman culture away and replaced it with Medieval Christian
culture. You can read Telemachus story on the following link.
Have a close look at the story and you will find two
endings. You will also find plenty of material for this week’s lesson. This
story can be used to create conversation on nearly all of the topics in this
week’s lesson. You might want to print out the above website and take a few
copies to class so people can use it in groups.
Tell the story of Telemachus. Then consider the following
Words of Wisdom
Consider the two endings. The usually quoted ending (of all
the people leaving in silence due to their disgust of seeing gladiators kill a
monk) is from Foxes Book of Martyrs which was written more than a millennium
after the story happened. The other ending (of the monk being stoned to death by
the crowd because he interrupted their entertainment) was from the writings of Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus in Syria
(393-457 A.D.) – a contemporary of Telemachus. It is clear that the oldest
ending is the most accurate to the facts.
Which ending is more
startling to you? Why?
What does the death
of a monk at the hands of the populous of Rome tell you about the city?
What does the
cancelling (forever!) of Gladiator games, three days later, by Emperor Honorius
suggest? What effect do you think it had on the people?
Although Medieval Christianity was vastly different than
Christianity today, Emperor Honorius enacted many laws protecting, encouraging and
enforcing Christian practices. Christianity was overtaking the pagan culture of
Rome. Why? What does this suggest about the wisdom of the scriptures (yet to be
canonized) which were part and parcel to the Christian faith?
We are all equal
Read Proverbs 20:12
How did Telemachus demonstrate this text was alive within him?
How did Telemachus demonstrate this text was alive within him?
How might Telemachus’ willingness to interrupt two massive
gladiators demonstrate the common ground he felt with them?
While it is usually told that Telemachus’ reason was due to
righteous indignation, might he have leaped into the Gladiator’s pit to save
them from death? Might he have been treating them the way he would want to be
treated if he were in a fight to the death? Saved, by one willing to interrupt and
risk rejection.
The test of Life
When I went to work in a secular workplace, I wanted a way
to spread the Kingdom of God without cheesy Christian-speak sounding clichés. I
spent many hours considering the meaning of God’s Kingdom. What is it? What
does it mean for God’s Kingdom to be near? What does it mean to expand the borders
of God’s Kingdom? What does it look like to be a Citizen of the Kingdom living
in exile?
I toyed around with a few different phrases and finally
settled on: “Keep Changing the World!” For the past two years I have signed off
every email, to whomever, with that phrase. It has been amazing to see the
responses. People love it. It encourages and challenges them at the same time. As
followers of Jesus, how does the desire to “Keep changing the World!” reveal a
life well lived? What other phrase would you use?
Telemachus died for what he believed in. You can only do
that once. How does “living for what you believe in” compare? Is it harder or
easier? Why? How does it have the potential to be more powerful?
Waiting for the Lord
This section of the lesson talked about not being quick to
judge yourself or others. Wait for the Lord to do the judging. Is this easy?
How hard is it to let the Lord handle the matter, in His time? Can you think of
a time when you were successful at this? How did it change you?
Sometimes God asks us to act now. When has God asked you, or
someone you know, to be like Telemachus and stop evil, injustice or unfair
treatment of others? Did you do it? Was it hard? Was it rewarding?
Compassion for the
How does compassion for the poor reveal the character of the
Why do you think Jesus chooses this as His main criteria for judging between followers and fakes?
Why do you think Jesus chooses this as His main criteria for judging between followers and fakes?
How did Jesus model this in His time on Earth?
How can we, like Telemachus, be driven by Christian love no
matter the cost?
Telemachus yelled, “In the name of Christ stop!” What did he
teach in those words?
Then he jumped in the ring and stood between two gladiators.
What did he teach in his actions?
It is often said that actions speak louder than words. Do
you agree? Why?
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