Monday, July 04, 2005

The King of Connecting

Jesus couldn't help it. Wherever he went, whoever he was talking to - no matter what the situation - Jesus was able to speak to that person, in their context, in contemporary language. He spoke to a Samaritan woman at a well of water and true love (John 4). He shared with a Pharisee in a dark back street of the true nature of God and Man (John 3). He knelt and spoke to a lame man by a pool offering healing through him rather than through superstition (John 5). And he spoke to a power hungry mob of thousands telling them of the bread that comes from heaven (John 6).
Jesus knew what people wanted. And he knew what they needed. He bridged this gap ever so carefully and creatively. He was the master story teller, the supreme parable weaver, the King of connecting. Jesus spoke and people understood. He loved and people were healed. He touched and people were blessed.
After spending a night in prayer, focusing on doing, saying and living the Father's plan he met the people who wished to crown him king. It was the Father's plan to send living water, the bread of life and everlasting life. Jesus presents to the misguided crowd the very answer they all need.
6:40 states, "For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." Jesus wanted them to understand that all of his stories, all of his parables, all of his healing, and all of his miracles were teaching one ultimate lesson. God was heaven-bent on saving mankind. Eternal life is God's plan for everyone who meets Jesus. The last day is in the cards for all people - Because He sent His Son.
Our words, actions and gifts today should be focused on the same target. His mission must be our mission. Without Jesus the world is lost. We must offer them Jesus. And when we do, Jesus will do the connecting - that's his spiritual gift!

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