This is a tank simulator!
We have walked and walked and walked - for four days!
We are in Atlanta and enjoying ourselves. It is now 10:15PM Monday night. When we arrived it was raining and mild with a gentle breeze. It felt a lot like Melbourne!
Our hosts are a lovely retired couple. They have already fed us some lovely food and I've given them copies of all my books. We're getting along great!
Cyrus really wanted to go shopping today rather than sleep so we headed off to the shops (about 15 minute drive) in our rental car. He was asleep when we got there. I woke him and he told me to go do my shopping first and them come wake him. I locked the car and headed into ROSS - a huge discount clothing store.
When I came back, he was so funny! He woke with a start and looked around. He kept looking at everything, turning his head, looking at buildings, at the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car, at the door handle next to him which he tried to grab but missed. Then he looked at me and said, "It's all in the wrong places."
I laughed and asked him if he was getting out. He nodded and said, "Yes!" as if he were very excited. Then he sat there doing nothing. I asked him again. After a few prods, he got out of the car and followed me into the shop.
When we got inside, I said, "You ready to shop?"
He said, "I just want to sleep."
So we went back and both fell into bed. He's still asleep. I reckon he'll go through the night. It was a very long flight! (or set of flights and layovers)!
So, tomorrow we have a rest day and a bit of shopping. Then we get into the filming!
Calling for storytellers, preachers, teachers and all people interested in communication. Please review the following and give me your ideas, critiques and any help you can!
I have been asked to present a Series of 6 story building and telling workshops to Video for the CSPS (Centre for Secular and Postmodern Studies – of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church). I'm heading to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow to do the filming this Wednesday and Thursday.
I have put a rough sketch of each workshop in the following posts. Each 20 minute video will be 10 minutes storytelling and 10 minutes technique teaching. I would love to receive your feedback and guidance so I can adjust my talks to be as useful and effective as possible!
Story Seat = CGCV + STANDS
Books used as resources – Narrative Plot, The One Who Tells the Best Story Wins, The Story Factor, The Revolutionary Communicator, LoveMarks, The Art of storytelling, Super Simple Storytelling, Story Proof, It’s all in how you tell it, Storytelling from the Bible, Enchanted hunters, Improving your storytelling.
BOOK DAVE NOW! Dave Edgren is passionate about creating a values-based storytelling culture. In his engaging and often hilarious way,...