As Paul said “serpent” there was a rustling noise
above them—like a page turning, or paper-thin wings flapping. All three
children looked up. And there, flying over their heads was a serpent.
“Hey!” James shouted, “Snakes can’t fly.”
“They can’t now,” said Paul, “But before sin, they
“But that was a long time ago!” whispered Hannah. “How
can there be one here?”
“Well,” said Paul, “where exactly is ‘here’ Hannah?”
The three kids stood quietly watching the serpent circle far above them. It was
as if it couldn’t see them, even though they were the only other things in this
white world—or whatever it was.
“Maybe,” said Paul, “a better question is ‘when’ is
“That doesn’t even make sense.” James replied. “It’s
now. Wherever you are, it’s ‘now.’ And snakes can’t fly now!”
“What if we aren’t in the same time as we were in our
bedroom?” Paul asked, “What it we are actually in another time, when snakes
could fly?”
“Do you mean we might be at the time of the Tree on
the. . .” Hannah paused to get her words right, “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?”
“I don’t know,” said Paul, “but what if?”
Something shimmered in the distance. It wasn’t above
them, like the flying serpent, but in front of them—as if they could get to it
by walking toward it.
“Did you see that?” James asked, “When Hannah said the
name of the tree from Genesis, that glimmering thing in front of us appeared.
What is it?”
“Let’s go find out!” Hannah said, now completely
finished being scared. She ran toward the newest object on their blank page.
James and Paul chased after her. They seemed to be able to run much faster than
at home. The shining object quickly became many shining objects dangling from a
huge tree. They were fruit. Lots of shining, beautiful fruit!
For the rest of the story, order a copy today!
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