Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sabbath School - August 17 - Unity: The Bond of Revival

A Sabbath School resource from the Victorian Conference of the Adventist Church in Australia

What role does unity play in church life? 

What role does uniformity play in church life?
What is the difference between unity and uniformity?
What happens when we confuse unity and uniformity?

Read Acts 4:32 
This verse describe the disciples as having “one heart and one soul.” What would your church look like if the leaders could be described in this way?

Read John 17, taking turns around the circle.
What verse stands out for you? Why?
Why is Jesus so passionate about “oneness”?
Which is a better description of the Trinity: Unity or Uniformity? Why?

How is Jesus prayer for “oneness” in John 17 a prayer for unity? 
What results when we interpret it as a prayer for uniformity? 

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-18. 
How does this passage help us understand the importance of every member of the church? What are we to expect from each?
What would happen to the effectiveness of the church if we expected the same thing from every church member?

Read 1 Peter 2:4-5. 
How does this illustrate the importance of each of us? Are any two members of the church alike? Is this a good thing? How can we make the most of this?

Which is easier to police: Unity or uniformity? Why?
What rules do we establish and enforce to maintain uniformity?
What rules are necessary to be a church of unity? 
What is the primary difference?

Read Acts 6:1-7
There are two problems mentioned in this passage. One is a problem noticed by leadership. One is a problem noticed by the membership. What are the two problems? 
What problems have come up recently in your church? 
Have they been problems of leadership or laity? How would the answer implemented in this passage assist in your situation? 

Read Acts 1:8
What one word defined the early church disciples? (witnesses)
How does this one word describe your church members?
What is the primary message your members give to your community?
What was the “one message” of the early church? (Acts 5:42) 
What was the result of focusing on this message? (Acts 9:31)
How did this message and mission maintain unity?

Read Matthew 28:16-20
What is the primary purpose of this passage?
How does this create unity and long term purpose?
What are the primary tasks assigned by Jesus?
How is your church fulfilling these roles?

Read Revelation 14:6-12
What is the primary purpose of this passage?
How does this create unity and long term purpose?
What are the primary tasks assigned by Jesus?
How is your church fulfilling these roles?

How is unity helpful in accomplishing the roles and responsibilities of these two passages?

How is diversity important in maintaining forward momentum?

What needs to happen next to continue a lifestyle of revival in your church? Pray about it now!

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