James spoke first, “Why did you
ask Cain where Abel was?”
Michael raised his eyebrows in
surprise, “Because I wanted to know!”
“But you know everything,” James
answered. “You didn’t need Cain to tell you.”
“True, but Cain needed to tell
me,” Michael answered. “And his answer told me what I needed to know.”
The other two kids were paying
close attention.
“Know what?” James fired back.
“I needed Cain to know the
meaning of what he had done,” Michael answered. “And so I asked questions to
lead him to that understanding.”
“So, you asked Cain questions
because you wanted him to know the answers?” Paul interjected.
“Not exactly,” Michael said. “Questions
teach the greatest lessons. The answers are often less useful than the
“Weird,” James said. “So, you
wanted Cain to know the questions, not the answers.”
“Yes,” Michael said.
“And now he has something to
think about,” Paul said.
“Exactly,” Michael affirmed. “He
sees what he did from my perspective now. And I hope it helps him live a better
“Why do you want Cain to have a
good life,” Hannah asked. “He’s a murderer!”
“He was created in my image,”
Michael said. “I love him so very much.”
Michael’s eyes filled with
tears. Hannah felt a compelling urge to comfort him. She walked to Michael and
wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest. The boys
took their cue from Hannah and hugged Michael.
Michael’s arms surrounded the
three siblings in a massive embrace.
“You were each created in my
image,” he said. “And I love you so much. No matter what you do, I will always
love you.”
His embrace tightened around
Then he was gone.
For the rest of the story, order a copy today!
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