Abraham reached out and placed a
hand on his son’s cheek. The children could see his face over Isaac’s shoulder.
He was struggling to smile. “God will provide a lamb,” he said in little more
than a whisper.
Then raising the other hand to
his son’s other cheek—and looking deeply into his eyes—he said louder and with
longing, “God will provide!”
Isaac’s shoulders slumped.
Something had happened.
“What’s wrong?” Hannah asked.
“I think,” Paul said, “Isaac
just understood the answer to his question.”
Isaac reached up, placing both
his hands over his fathers, and slowly pulled them off his face. He turned and
looked at the large altar with a sense of dread. He looked from the altar to
his father and back again.
“What’s wrong?” Hannah repeated.
“What do you mean he understands the answer? What answer?”
“He is the sacrifice,” James
said in an almost trance like voice. “Isaac is the sacrifice.”
“You’re right,” Paul said. “God
told Abraham to take his only son to the top of Mount Carmel and offer him as a
“But God doesn’t want us to kill
people!” Hannah was getting upset. “God wouldn’t ask that!”
“He did,” Paul answered, still
staring at the altar and the two men. “It’s in the Bible. Watch.” He pointed at
the altar.
Hannah crossed her arms in
frustration and stared at the scene unfolding in front of her. Isaac climbed
onto the altar, lay on his back and folded his arms across his chest. Abraham
untied a rope from around his waist and tied one end to a branch and wedged it
into the stones of the altar, making sure it could not come loose. He did the
same with a number of other sticks and looped the rope around
each—crisscrossing across Isaac’s body, from head to foot.
Isaac seemed to have accepted
his role in this sacrifice. In a quiet voice, he said, “Tie me tight. I’m
nervous and afraid. If I break away, the sacrifice will be improper. I must not
Abraham nodded without speaking.
Tears were streaming down his dusty face. As he tightened the rope that crossed
Isaac’s shoulder—leaning over his son to do so—a tear fell from his eye and
landed on Isaac’s cheek. The two cried together as they continued preparing the
sacrifice God required.
For the rest of the story, order a copy today!
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