A disciple, fighting his way through the crowd, shouted, “Get away! Come-on you useless lot! Jesus has better things to do than cuddle babies!”
A few mothers, holding their babies out over the top of the crowd of kids pulled their little ones back to them, saddened.
Jesus got angry with his disciples. He grabbed the one who had just fought his way through the crowd and, under his breath, said very sternly, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.”
Jesus wrapped his arms around Hannah and the boy on the other knee. “I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”
As if to make his point, Jesus kissed Hannah on the top of her head and then did the same to the little boy on on his other knee and then set them back on the ground and took another child into his arms to bless. Hearing His words, all the kids rushed in and embraced Jesus. One by one He blessed each of them with a cuddle. He took babies from their mothers and blessed them, too.
Hannah and her brothers worked their way out of the crowd and watched as Jesus blessed child after child. He was having a wonderful time.
“He said, the Kingdom of God belongs to children,” Hannah said. “What does that mean?”
“It means, kids rock!” James said. “Jesus loves kids.”
“He sure does,” Paul said. “But what Jesus actually said is that the Kingdom of God belongs to people who are like those children.”
“What does that mean?” Hannah asked.
“I think it means people need to want Jesus the way kids do,” Paul said.
“And they need to believe in him like kids do too,” James said.
Paul turned to look at James, “That’s a better answer, I think. Kids just get Jesus. They love Him without question.”
“Yeah,” James agreed.
For the rest of the story, order a copy today!
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