The easiest way to put flesh on the bones of theology is to bring
it to life in action. This is what Paul does in his letter to Philemon. He
demonstrates his overall mission and message in the action of writing this
short letter and in the request he makes in the letter, thus demonstrating his
theology in both his personal practice and the action he expects from the
recipient of the letter.
Read Philemon as a
group. (ask someone with a strong compelling reading voice)
What is going on in
this letter?
What is the point?
What do we know
about Philemon?
What do we know
about Onesimus?
What is Paul hoping
for? Why?
Group Time
Group 1: “Letters
of Recommendation”
Read 2 Corinthians
What is Paul saying?
How are Jesus’
people like Letters of Recommendation?
What are they
recommending? To Whom?
How are they inked?
(written on)
What is the
difference between a cold-stone letter-of-law and this new kind of Spirit
Compare Philemon 1-7
What is it about
Philemon that brings Paul such joy?
Comparing this to 2
Corinthians 3:1-6, what is Paul saying about Philemon?
Knowing what Paul is
about to ask, how is this opening statement important?
Is Paul setting
Philemon up? Or is he setting him free? How so?
Group 2: “Ministry
of Reconciliation”
Read 2 Corinthians
What is Paul saying?
What does “being in
Christ” mean? What is “being a new creation”?
What steps are
present in Jesus’ reconciliation of the world to God?
How do those steps
become ours? What is required of us?
What does the
“Ministry of Reconciliation” look like?
Compare Philemon
How is Paul
modelling the Ministry of Reconciliation?
How is Paul hoping
Philemon will apply the Ministry of Reconciliation?
What is it about
Onesimus that brings Paul such joy?
How has Onesimus
been ‘useful’ to Paul and Philemon?
How is Onesimus ‘useful’
in applying the Ministry of Reconciliation?
Group 3: “Attitude
of Christ Jesus”
Read Philippians
What is Paul saying?
What does it look
like to have the attitude of Christ Jesus?
What are we to do in
“the same way” as Jesus?
What did Jesus’
humility entail? How does this compare to ours?
What role does
self-importance play in Christian life?
Compare Philemon
How is Paul
demonstrating the attitude of Christ Jesus?
How is Paul
expecting/hoping Philemon will show the attitude of Christ Jesus?
How is Paul a
“partner in the work” with Philemon?
Why is Paul so
confident of Philemon’s response/reaction?
How will Onesimus
belong to both Philemon and Paul “forever”?
Ask for each group
to report a summary of what they discovered particularly focusing on how the
mission and message of Paul was revealed.
Review Questions:
Where do you see
yourself as a Letter of Recommendation for the Kingdom of God?
Where do you see the
need for the Ministry of Reconciliation in your world?
Where have you seen
the Attitude of Christ Jesus recently?
Conclusion: “A
Changing Spirit”
Read 2 Corinthians
The Spirit is
changing us from our selfish Glory to His perfect Glory. In the same way that
Paul challenged Philemon, we are to make visible, in our every action, the
Image of God as revealed by His Son through the work of the Spirit in our lives.
While Paul does not tell Philemon to become a Letter
of Recommendation for the Kingdom of God, the letter he has sent, both
in printed word and action, invites Philemon to live as a representative of the
new Kingdom and leave the old one behind.
While Paul does not use the word reconciliation or the
phrase Ministry of Reconciliation, he demonstrates it repeatedly in
this letter. First in his original treatment of Philemon, second in his prison
treatment of Onesimus and third in his call to Philemon to demonstrate the
Ministry of Reconciliation in his treatment of his slave, Onesimus. Overall, it
is as if Paul is standing in the posture of the Cross, reaching from one person
to the other, from one Kingdom to the other, making things right.
While Paul does not preach a sermon calling for Philemon
to have the Attitude of Christ Jesus, he models it by being both
strong and gentle, humble and purposeful, merciful and just. Paul’s attitude,
like Jesus’, invites imitation.
As true letters of
recommendation of Jesus to the world, we are to be making things right between
people and God, people and each other and even people and themselves through
the Ministry of Reconciliation. And in doing this revealing and reconciling
work we are to be humble in our every word and action, revealing the attitude
of Christ Jesus.
This is, in both
theology and practice, the mission and message of the Apostle Paul.