Matthew Hunter I miss your one to two page sabbath school summaries. If you started doing them again I could put them to good use!!
Dave Edgren Hmm. Second person to ask today! Was it the question based ones you found most useful or the more Devotional styled ones?
Matthew Hunter Question based one as anyone could use it to lead an effective lesson study and the discussion it got going was great. It really helped to empower our Sabbath school classes to involve more people.
Dave Edgren The Model I use is easy enough to follow to make your own questions.
Head: Belief/doctrine based questions
Heart: Emotion/passion based questions...See more
Head: Belief/doctrine based questions
Heart: Emotion/passion based questions...See more
Matthew Hunter But you are the zen master, we need more time learning at your feet!
Dave Edgren HEAD: Hope SS guide is good this week. Their opening question is a great Head question.
2 Peter 1:1–4
What do you think Peter would have chosen as his most precious promise from God and why? (have a list of bible promises incase people dont have any)
2 Peter 1:1–4
What do you think Peter would have chosen as his most precious promise from God and why? (have a list of bible promises incase people dont have any)
Dave Edgren HEART: (also from HopeSS) What promise from God’s Word has become particularly precious
to you on your Christian journey?
to you on your Christian journey?
Dave Edgren HANDS: Read the list presented in 2 Peter 1:5-7
What's being listed here? What do each of these look like in action? How have you seen these things bless the church? The world?
What's being listed here? What do each of these look like in action? How have you seen these things bless the church? The world?
Dave Edgren Another HEART: Why is Love the punchline? Why is it the overarching reality of God's presence in the life of a believer?
HANDS: What does God's love look like in action?
HANDS: What does God's love look like in action?
Matthew Hunter This is great Dave, I'm loving the impromptu workshop on creating a simple one sheet sabbath school lesson.
Dave Edgren HORIZON: Laying aside the tent?!?! What's that gonna be like? (2 Peter 1:14)... Can we live like it's laid aside already? Why? Why not? How? (Let's get to it!)
Dave Edgren Then ask for "What stands out to you?" "What's the big idea?" Ask them to rephrase that big Idea as a question. Discuss the questions.
Dave Edgren That can be a whole SS lesson on it's own if enough people put in
Matthew Hunter Well I've been thoroughly blessed. Learning where to look for good helps (i.e. Hope SS) is awesome too. You have lots to offer my friend, appreciate it!
Dave Edgren With the right group the :!?... model can fill an hour
: The Passage
! BIG Idea from each person
? Each person rephrases big idea as question (Write them on the board!)
. . . Three answers for each question (from the group)
: The Passage
! BIG Idea from each person
? Each person rephrases big idea as question (Write them on the board!)
. . . Three answers for each question (from the group)
Dave Edgren That's all I have for you on this fine evening. It is now time to read a bit of theology before falling into a blissful sleep

Matthew Hunter Enjoy!
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