A Compassionate Theology
Being a Christian doesn't mean you must be judgmental of others or yourself. We can strive to have a compassionate theology! Here's a few examples of what I mean:
Silent Scribbles - ACT: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Bananas, Nuts and Living Art -- ACT: Being Story-Centred
The Tension of Being Seventh-day Adventist -- ACT: Adventist Identity
of Pizza and Apples -- ACT: The Bible
Kingdom Worldview -- ACT: God's People
The Living Word -- ACT: Growing in Christ
Aisle Seven -- ACT : Sabbath
Two Dolls -- ACT: Creation
He is Risen! -- ACT: Holy Days
28 Stories - ACT: Adventist Fundamentals
In 2009, my eldest son Cyrus wanted to study for Baptism. Unsatisfied with the deterministic style of the various studies available, I wrote this series of Biblical story-based and experiential discussion-driven studies. I've now used them to prepare all three of my children for Baptism.
Click on the image to read the words
In 2012, Signs Publishing Company published the studies as a faith journal / Bible study guide called "28 Stories." If you want a greatly reduced bulk price for a box for your group, email me.
Each of the 28 studies in this journal follows the pattern of:
Bible Story – Rewritten to connect you to the Biblical character and to direct your thoughts toward a particular aspect of the doctrine in consideration.
My Reflection – Finding yourself in the Biblical narrative.
My Story – Finding the principles of the Biblical narrative in your experience.
My Assurance – Strengthening your faith by encouraging your heart.
My Commitment – Challenging your faith by considering what you can become.
My Outlook – Expanding your horizon of your God, your world or yourself.
My Response – Acknowledging the doctrine and considering it’s importance.
Each of these sections is to be savoured slowly. Read the story in the morning. Think on a question or two at various points during the day - morning break, lunch, sitting on random park benches. If you like journaling, write lengthy responses. Immerse yourself in your faith journey. You’ll be glad you did!
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SET 1: 1-8 --- Finding Faith (8)
Setting the Stage
Jesus’ Story
SET 2: 9-16 --- Keeping Faith (8)
Choosing your Destiny
Naaman’s Story
SET 3: 17-22 --- Deepening in Faith (6)
SET 4: 23-28 --- Finishing in Faith (6)
Gideon’s Story
Israel’s Story
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