Today, we begin an important series of studies on Oneness in Christ.
1. Love—the foundation for unity
- a) Genesis 1:26-27 What does this inspired record teach us both about our Creator and His intention for our human family?
- b) 1 John 4:7, 8, 16 What is the clearest evidence of our unity with our Creator?
- c) Genesis 2:7, 21-25 How do you see love and oneness revealed in the inspired accounts of the creation of man and woman?
2. The tragic story of disobedience and its consequences
- a) Genesis 3:1-6 – the tragic story of disobedience
- b) Consequences of disobedience
- i) Genesis 3:7 – consequence #1
- ii) Genesis 3:8 – consequence #2
- iii) Genesis 3:12 – consequence #3
- iv) Genesis 3:17-19 – consequence #4
- v) Genesis 4:8 – consequence #5
- vi) What other negative consequences do you see as a result of rebellion against our loving Creator?
3. Ongoing disunity and separation
- a) Genesis 11:1-9 What does the construction of the Tower of Babel tell us about its builders? I, therefore, beseech you (Ephesians 4:1–3) Scripture Song: Galatians 2:20–21
- b) If our loving Creator desires us to experience oneness with Himself and with each other, why did He bring confusion at the Tower of Babel?
- c) What evidences do you see of disunity and separation today?
- d) How can we assist in the process of bringing God’s creation back together in loving unity with Him and with each other?
4. The journey towards oneness with God
- a) Hebrews 11:8-19 What lessons can we learn from the patriarch Abraham about the journey towards oneness with God? (see also Genesis 22:1-14)
- b) Think of some other Bible characters who were called to leave that which was familiar to them in order to experience a closer relationship with God.
- c) Share a time when God called you out of your comfort zone in order to draw you closer to Him.
5. Blessed to bless
- a) Genesis 12:1-3 Why did the LORD God promise such abundant blessings for Abram and his descendants? (see also Deuteronomy 7:6-11 and Galatians 3:29)
- b) What special blessings are promised to Christians and what blessing are we called to share with others? 1 Peter 2:9
- c) Share an experience where you were blessed when you told someone else what God has done for you.
Lesson 2 - Causes of Disunity
1. Disobedience
2. Pride of personal opinion
3. Following ungodly counsel
4. Following people rather than following God
5. Attacks from without and within
1. Disobedience
- a) Deuteronomy 28:1-14 What blessings did the LORD promise His people if they lived in harmony with His commandments?
- b) Deuteronomy 28:15-20 What negative consequences would result from disobedience?
- c) When God’s people wandered away from Him in disobedience, what was His desire for them? Jeremiah 3:12-18
- d) What is the root cause of disobedience?
- e) Share an example from your own life of how disobedience to God’s Word resulted in disunity.
2. Pride of personal opinion
- a) Judges 17:6, 21:25
- b) What was the disastrous result of proudly trusting in personal opinion? Judges 2:11-13, 3:5-7
- c) What warnings does Solomon give regarding the danger of a proud attitude? Proverbs 13:10, 16:18, 6:16-19
- d) What story in the Bible illustrates the damaging results of a proud attitude?
3. Following ungodly counsel
- a) 1 Kings 12:1-7, 8-16 How can we be certain that we are listening to godly counsel? I, therefore, beseech you (Ephesians 4:1–3) Scripture Song: Galatians 2:20–21
- b) What promises in God’s Word assure us of His desire to provide wise counsel for us? Psalm 32:8, James 1:5
- c) What appeal does Solomon make to each one of us? Proverbs 19:20 d) Share a time when following godly counsel brought healing and restoration to a broken relationship.
4. Following people rather than following God
- a) 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 Why does the apostle Paul plead so earnestly with the Corinthian believers?
- b) What is the danger of following a person, even if he or she is walking closely with the Lord? Why is Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 11:1 an important reminder when learning from another believer?
- c) What habit of the Berean believers was affirmed by Paul? Acts 17:11
5. Attacks from without and within
- a) Acts 20:28-30 (also Matthew 7:15) – savage wolves
- b) Numbers 12:1-2 - Miriam and Aaron (envy)
- c) 2 Timothy 2:15-18 - Hymenaeus and Philetus
- d) 2 Timothy 3:12-17 What counsel does Paul give to the young preacher Timothy regarding those who would seek to bring disunity to the church?
- e) What Bible promise gives you hope and courage when you are under attack?
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